The Value of Membership for Contractors
Members of the Air Barrier Association of America are at the forefront of advocating for quality and longevity of building installation, energy efficiency, and healthier communities. We invite you to join us in this mission by becoming a Contractor Member.
View Our NEW Contractor Membership Video
Learn the Value of Membership for Contractors from Contractors

View these short contractor membership videos
When you join ABAA as a contractor, you will benefit from:

Technical Field Support
- Technical articles on air barrier applications, construction management, building science, and building enclosure
- Ongoing staff support with issues encountered in the field along with tips and advice on installation issues, market understanding, QAP projects, and building codes
- Approved and industry vetted air barrier details for proper specification and installation
Installation Resources
- Access to hundreds of tools to help minimize your liability on the job site
- Contractor only newsletters and tips available in English and Spanish (available digitally and in hard copy)
- Library of important papers, articles, and industry news to offer education and guidance
- Promotional tools to help market yourself
Certification and Accreditation Programs
- Comprehensive training programs designed to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to install high-performing air barriers
- Discounts on registration to the ABAA national conference and certification programs
- Access to “contractors only” monthly live webinars designed to discuss practical field issues and problem resolution
- Education on internal quality assurance and quality control methods to test and inspect installation during the construction process
Business Growth Resources
- Ability to distinguish your bid from your competitors by becoming an accredited contractor
- Bid on local contracts that require ABAA accredited contractors or certified installers
- Promotion of your accreditation/business on ABAA website, national and regional conferences, education events, and presentations
- Ability to participate in a variety of committees, including the contractors committee that works to support our contractor members
Challenges Facing Contractors: Hiring/Retention, Reducing Call-backs, Increase Business Opportunities
Upon joining the ABAA, we offer additional pathways for contractors to choose from, all of which make you, your business, and your work stand out from the competition.
Learn More About Our Contractor Programs