You must be a contractor member of ABAA to apply for accreditation.
Type of Business
Name and Addresses of all Principals and Directors
Type of Air Barriers Applied
Main Suppliers (Minimum of 3)
Subcontractors Utilized
Financial Information
Legal Information
Insurance Information
A copy of your Insurance Certificate with a minimum coverage of $2,000,000.00 for general liability must be attached to this application.
Bonding Information
A copy of a letter from your Bonding Company indicating that you are Bondable up to a minimum of $300,000.00 must be attached to this application.
Market Information
Installer Information
I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, the foregoing statements are true and correct, and they have been made to facilitate an agreement with ABAA. I hereby authorize Building Professionals, on ABAA’s behalf to contact and obtain credit and other information as necessary from the references listed on this application, as well as to conduct any other personal or company investigation necessary for the purpose of qualifying as an ABAA licensed contractor.
I hereby agree to abide by the code of ethics.
I Accept
[group post-accept]
All information received on this form is held in strictest confidence. The purpose of this form is strictly to facilitate the
process of becoming a licensed contractor under the ABAA rules and regulations and to facilitate a way to track industry
market information. The information is kept on file at the Building Professionals office. Under no circumstances is any one
to have access to any information on this form other than the Building Professionals office.
Annual Membership and Accreditation: January 1st - December 31st.
Fees are not pro-rated and are subject to change without notice.
Contractor Membership Fee: $1000
Licensing Fee: $700