1600 Boston-Providence Hwy Walpole, MA 02081
+1 866-956-5888
+1 866-956-5819

ABAA Virtual Town Hall – April 13, 2021


Quality Assurance


A conversation that will highlight key aspects of our QAP program; how the field auditor interacts with the contractor and what it can mean for your project. Ask questions of our panel of experts, share best practices and find out how the association is working for you.

  1. Why is the QAP important – a lesson from a former GC and now risk management insurance company.
  2. Why is quality assurance important from a General Contractor and what do they look for in a sub-trade.
  3. Does the QAP benefit a manufacturer? and what they can do to support you.
  4. How does the QAP program help our contractors – a message from our contractors’ committee chair.
  5. How the auditor is there to help the contractor.
  6. Why would an architect specify the QAP and the challenges of keeping it in the spec?


When: Tuesday, April 13th, 2021
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
How: Details will be emailed to our members.


Ryan Dalgleish
Chief Operating Officer
Air Barrier Association of America

  • Andrew Dunlap; Architect
  • Matthew Giambrone; Project Manager, Estimator
  • Corey Zussman, Director of Quality
  • Chris Huettig, Chair of QAP Committee
  • Matthew Copestick, Consultant, Licensed ABAA Field Auditor