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ABAA Year In Review Day 1

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ABAA Year In Review Day 1

December 11, 2024 @ 12:00 PM - 7:15 PM EST

December 11, 2024 12:00PM – 7:15PM ET

ABAA Year in Review is a FREE continuing education event designed to help professionals meet their AIA membership and state licensing education requirements before the end of the year.

Held over the course of two days, attendees can earn up to 12 AIA/HSW credits – take one or take them all!

Register now individually for your preferred courses.

All presentations are Eastern Standard Time

Time Session
12:00pm – 1:00pm Mock-ups: The Crash Test Dummy for Building Enclosures

Brian Stroik

How does an owner, architect or builder know if their building enclosure is: installed correctly, using the right products, will work as anticipated with adjacent materials, and perform to today’s energy and building codes? Performance Mockups, or First Run Studies, provide key insights to these important questions. This presentation will review why enclosures are critical for energy efficiency, sustainability, and durability, and explain how every building is unique. We will then review and discuss the advantages/disadvantages of the various types of mockups, using examples from actual projects, along with discussing various industry performance tests and standards typically performed on Functional or tested mockups. The last part of the presentation will review and provide ideas on how to take the Lessons Learned from the mock and use that information as on-site training for the tradesmen who will be installing the enclosure for that project.

1.0 LU/HSW Register Now
1:15pm – 2:15pm The Big Disconnect – Roof to Wall Connections for your Air Barrier

Roy Schauffele

As more states, jurisdictions and the design community require air barriers, the issue of connecting the wall air barrier assembly to other building assemblies, such as below grade, window systems and roofs need to be completely understood in order to design and construct a functioning building enclosure. One of the most often missed or not well executed details is the connection between the wall air barrier and roof assembly. With a myriad of roof systems, wall configurations and the growing number of wall air barrier products, it can be difficult to navigate the process in regards to what systems work best with each other and the chemical compatibility of these systems. This presentation will focus on things to consider from a design standpoint, along with practical approaches to ensuring a robust connection is constructed and executed.

1.0 LU/HSW Register Now
2:30pm – 3:30pm It’s not Raining, Why is My Roof Leaking? 

Laverne Dalgleish 

Roof leaks and even water in wall assemblies is not good for the building. The first reaction is let’s fix the leak, but then you realize that it is not raining. If there is no rain, you should not get bulk water entry. We overlook the real reason for water in building assemblies because we do not consider all means of moisture transport. Many people then jump to the conclusion that the material used as a water restive barrier does not have a high enough Perm rating. This presentation will cover all the ways that moisture moves in a building, show why you should not rely on the Perm rating of a single material and show you where you will get thousands of gallons of water into the building envelope.

1.0 LU/HSW Register Now
3:45pm – 4:45pm Connecting the Dots: Air Barrier Transitions

Meagan Elfert

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and that holds true for air barriers, also. For an air barrier to perform as intended, it must be continuous; thus, the old saying “the pencil must not leave the paper when designing the air barrier. This program will focus on the transitions between materials and assist you in thinking through the questions that you will face when designing an air barrier system. Controlling and managing water and air are crucial to creating a healthy long-lasting building, and this presentation will help you with what you need to look for.

1.0 LU/HSW Register Now
5:00pm – 6:00pm Design Pitfalls of Storefronts & Curtain Walls

Anthony Santocono

This presentation will cover a detailed explanation of the challenges and solutions facing through-wall flashings and transition membranes, provide a thorough description of the characteristics of several types of membranes, emphasize the importance of compatibility, and explain proper installation techniques.

1.0 LU/HSW Register Now
6:15pm – 7:15pm Architectural Details 101 – Conveying Construction Drawing Clarity

Melissa Payne

Designing an air-tight, water-tight, and energy efficient building requires an understanding of the anatomy of the entire building enclosure in order to build structures that will perform as intended. A lack of understanding of these concepts translates into poor architectural details, gaps in information, and elements that cannot be properly installed, leading to contractors “figuring it out on the field.” This presentation will touch upon basic concepts of building science and how drawings can be improved to create beautiful structures that function properly, by conveying clarity on details at foundation-to-wall, roof-to-wall, window-to-wall, penetrations, and at dissimilar material transition points.

1.0 LU/HSW Register Now


December 11, 2024
12:00 PM - 7:15 PM EST
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