by: Roy Schauffele, FCSI, CCPR, FABAA, CABS; | Speaker Bio
Design and Construction documents are one of the first steps towards achieving an effective layer of airtightness to manage moisture and air movement. The importance of a proper specification cannot be understated and a well-articulated document will ensure that the owner is provided with materials, performance and quality.
The presentation will review some of the consideration and language that should be reviewed prior to developing a specification and will outline code requirements, performance requirements, what can be done for quality and ensuring material selection meets the intent of design and for crucial coordination with other components of the enclosure.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the benefits of the air barrier systems to the environment, building owner, and occupants.
- Discuss performance test standards relating to air barrier systems, including the NFPA 285 fire test.
- Examine the IECC 2012 & 2015 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010 and their impact on air barrier systems.
- How to properly develop a performance specification for an air barrier system.
by: Roy Schauffele, FCSI, CCPR, FABAA, CABS; | Speaker Bio
As more states, jurisdictions and the design community require air barriers, the issue of connecting the wall air barrier assembly to other building assemblies, such as below grade, window systems and roofs need to be completely understood in order to design and construct a functioning building enclosure.
One of the most often missed or not well executed details is the connection between the wall air barrier and roof assembly. With a myriad of roof systems, wall configurations and the growing number of wall air barrier products, it can be difficult to navigate the process in regards to what systems work best with each other and the chemical compatibility of these systems.
This presentation will focus on things to consider from a design standpoint, along with practical approaches to ensuring a robust connection is constructed and executed.
Learning Objectives
- Understand why the roof/wall air barrier intersection is critical to building performance in regards to moisture management and air leakage control and common design and field errors.
- Become aware of compatibility issues related to wall and roof air barrier components for the myriad of air barrier and roofing assemblies that exist on the market today.
- Identify pre-construction coordination items to review and allocation of responsibilities to sub- trades for proper execution of connection.
- Review requirements for detailing the roof/wall interface and the sequence of construction for most common roof/wall air barrier connections.
by: Brian Stroik, Director of Building Enclosure, Tremco Sealants & Waterproofing, Chair of the ABAA, Past Chair – BEC National; | Speaker Bio
Using sound building science principles, understand some of the important construction details for continuity of the air barrier and how this understanding can help drive design decisions to properly choose the building enclosure components and systems.
Once the details are done and the construction starts, a number of critical steps need to be taken in regards to site quality control, construction sequencing and a deliberate and well executed site quality control program inclusive of pre-construction meetings, field testing and observation. Learning from real life examples of both good and bad, the top issues are addressed to provide realistic and actionable strategies to improve long term building performance.
Learning Objectives
- Acquire knowledge in the requirements of green construction codes such as ASHRAE 189.1-2013 and the code compliance method of either whole building airtightness testing or building enclosure commissioning.
- Acquire knowledge of how design and installation can impact the overall effectiveness of the insulation layer that can lead to loss of energy efficiency of the overall building enclosure and impact to building’s
- Describe the proper installation and site quality assurance/control for the building’s air tightness layer to ensure maximum energy efficiency, along with the sustainability of the building enclosure components to protect the embodied energy of these components.
- Explain the various test methods for commissioning the building enclosure to meet state energy codes or green construction codes that can confirm air leakage results of air barriers that were originally modeled during the integrated design
by: Ryan Dalgleish, CSI, CAE; | Speaker Bio
Today’s building construction must overcome complex building materials, multi-layer construction/multiple trades, thinner construction, limited on-the-job training, higher expectations, tight schedules and the pressure to keep the cost as low as possible. In the past, building systems were simpler with fewer layers. That is no longer the case.
One way to help ensure a successful project is to incorporate some form of quality assurance and quality control. Quality assurance can be achieved through incorporating a quality management system for the air barrier sub-trade. Quality control can be implemented before the first square-foot of air barrier is installed and then throughout the installation process.
Learning Objectives
- Identify how to specify and use a variety of performance mock-ups to confirm design intent, sequencing, material compatibility and standards of installation acceptance.
- Demonstrate various ASTM test methods for assembly air permeance, rain penetration, adhesion, density and thickness testing procedures.
- Define key visual inspection methods used during the construction process for various air barrier materials utilizing site photos and proper corrective action.
- List the top five field related installation issues found during site quality control audits using site photos and case studies to evaluate the installation of the air barrier application.
by: Andrew Dunlap, AIA, CDT, LEED AP, NCARP, Principal, SmithGroup, Inc.; | Speaker Bio
This presentation also offers 1.0 GBCI credit
An in-depth look at the environmental separators for the roof, wall and below grade assemblies in regards to water control, air leakage control, thermal performance and vapor control.
Critical details that typically cause building performance related issues will be focused on the two largest failures of building enclosures: roof to wall connections and wall to window connections specific to curtain wall systems. A step by step look at each critical detail in regards to sequence of construction and the various connections to ensure airtight/watertight and thermally protected details. Real life photos and job conditions will bring the realities of the construction process to show typical errors found and how they can be addressed correctly.
Learning Objectives
- Articulate how transitions impact building enclosure performance through real life experiences in regards to energy loss, building performance and the sustainability of the system.
- Correctly identify and prioritize critical details during the construction document phase to ensure an integrated approach is taken to heat, air, water and vapor control.
- Assess each detail in regards to impacts of the 4 control layers and understand the various options for designing details for a variety of roof, wall and window assemblies.
- Through the use of real-life case studies and photos, plan out the proper sequence of construction and identify quality control methods in construction document review to provide corrective action.
by: Laverne Dalgleish, ABAA Executive Director; | Speaker Bio
Air barrier technology has been around for decades, but the use of air and water resistive barrier material in buildings is fairly new. Some air and water resistive barrier materials have been used in other applications for years and now are being used for the air and water control layer. Now that the application has changed, does the material still perform in the new application ?
As the air and water resistive barrier industry has grown over the past decade, new materials have come on the market. These materials have a short track record, but should you shy away from using them? This presentation shows how you can sort out the different materials and how you can get help in choosing the right one for your project.
Learning Objectives
- Describe why material properties matter for green buildings, specific to air barriers and other building enclosure components.
- Explain the key requirements for air barrier materials to function and reduce energy use in buildings over the long term.
- Determine key material properties and material testing that is needed for air barriers to ensure long term energy performance and protection of embodied energy of other building enclosure components.
- Explain process of material testing and requirements to meet language and requirements in ASHRAE 1, IECC and state energy codes.
Live presentations can be scheduled 8am-8pm EST

Certified Air Barrier Specialist (CABS)
by: Roy Schauffele, FCSI, CCPR, FABAA, CABS; | Speaker Bio
(no learning units)
by: Ryan Dalgleish, CSI, CAE; | Speaker Bio
The presentation will review some of the new tools available in regards to specifying different levels of building airtightness above code mandated minimums. These tools help assess the energy reduction from base levels of building airtightness and the corresponding financial savings, along with quantification of the impacts airtightness has on moisture movement transported by air leakage.
A look into potential changes to building codes and new Whole Building Airtightness test methods, along with a high level review of research conducted and being conducted, on things such as adhesion values for various air barrier materials and fastener penetration testing.
Thirdly, information on the ABAA quality assurance program and how to specify the program properly and exactly what the program entails. Included in this will be a review of the top field related issues that are found during the ABAA site audit process.
Learning Objectives:
- Through a review of the air barrier calculator, determine the energy and financial savings obtained by higher level of airtightness and how it impacts the project specifications.
- Analyze the results of recent research projects such as adhesion and fastener penetrations, along with upcoming building code changes.
- Define requirements for quality assurance and control, and typical downfalls of specification language, along with steps that can be taken to improve installation of the air/water resistive barrier.
- Identify key field installation issues for various air barrier products and how specifications can provide further clarity.
by: Laverne Dalgleish, ABAA Executive Director; | Speaker Bio
Design and construction documents are one of the first steps towards achieving an effective layer of air tightness to manage moisture and air movement. The importance of a proper specification cannot be understated and a well-articulated document will ensure that the owner is provided with materials, performance and quality. This presentation will go over some of the consideration and language that should be reviewed prior to developing a specification and will outline code requirements, performance requirements, what can be done for quality, ensuring material selection meets the intent of design and for crucial coordination with other components of the enclosure.
Learning Objectives
- Through a review of IECC 2015 and ASHRAE 90.1 code language, we will determine the code compliance options for air barriers and requirements for materials, assemblies and whole building airtightness.
- Understand the various test methods for air barrier materials and assemblies as it relates to air, water, fire and other key requirements.
- Identify key language for three-part specification to articulate performance standards, execution and quality requirements.
- Define requirements for quality assurance and control, and typical downfalls in specification verbiage.
by: Brian Stroik, Director of Building Enclosure, Tremco Sealants & Waterproofing, Chair of the ABAA, Past Chair – BEC National; | Speaker Bio
A billion dollars are spent each year by construction managers, trade partners, manufacturers, and insurance companies due to water and moisture issues in the building enclosure. We know this is an issue, it has been for decades, yet every year there is more litigation regarding building enclosure failures. Join us to learn how having an industry-recognized knowledgeable individual in air barriers and an enclosure quality program can mitigate your building enclosure risk and assist you in providing the Owner a durable, sustainable building facade. Industry organizations have training programs, credentialing programs, and guidance resources to help you assemble the right team to build air barriers right!
Learning Objectives:
- Understand why airtightness is essential for durable and sustainable building enclosures.
- Provide information on how to be recognized by building professionals as knowledgeable in air barriers .
- Provide a repeatable quality process using examples from ABAA’s Quality Assurance Program.
- Provide examples of how a building using knowledgeable people and an enclosure quality process can help provide energy-efficient and sustainable buildings.
- Understand industry expectations and educational resources.
by: Andrew Dunlap, AIA, CDT, LEED AP, NCARP, Principal, SmithGroup, Inc.; | Speaker Bio
This presentation also offers 1.0 GBCI credit
An in-depth look at the environmental separators for the roof, wall and below grade assemblies in regards to water control, air leakage control, thermal performance and vapor control.
Critical details that typically cause building performance related issues will be focused on the two largest failures of building enclosures: roof to wall connections and wall to window connections specific to curtain wall systems. A step by step look at each critical detail in regards to sequence of construction and the various connections to ensure airtight/watertight and thermally protected details. Real life photos and job conditions will bring the realities of the construction process to show typical errors found and how they can be addressed correctly.
Learning Objectives
- Articulate how transitions impact building enclosure performance through real life experiences in regards to energy loss, building performance and the sustainability of the system.
- Correctly identify and prioritize critical details during the construction document phase to ensure an integrated approach is taken to heat, air, water and vapor control.
- Assess each detail in regards to impacts of the 4 control layers and understand the various options for designing details for a variety of roof, wall and window assemblies.
- Through the use of real-life case studies and photos, plan out the proper sequence of construction and identify quality control methods in construction document review to provide corrective action.